There’s no denying 2020 was a heavy year. From violent flares of corona crisis to racial injustice and forest fires crippling our current way of life. We’ve ridden the wave of anxiety, heartbreak, depression, despair, desperation and disconnection. It’s in these exact moments of brokenness that we need to come together and rekindle the human spirit.
We need to tune in to ourselves and get out of the straightjacket of what we ‘should be doing’ and do more of what we ‘feel like doing’.
We need to turn up our inner light, laugh and unlock our own unique healing vibration.
We need to take a dose of our own OT medicine and engage in occupations that are {truly} meaningful.
We need more play.
Cause when we play we feel lighter and become a magnet for positive energy….. and in turn create a ripple effect. #oneoccupationatatime