We need to constantly refocus and recalibrate.
We need a framework that puts our clients at the centre.
Their needs. Their values. Their beliefs. Their life.
We need to unshackle ourselves from the “I am the expert” narrative.
We need to listen. Deeply.
Without judgement.
We need the courage to do what’s right.
Right for our client.
Not what’s culture bound, societally influenced, occupationally ingrained or financially driven.
To work more from our heart and less from our head.
To follow the trail of our own curiosity and validate another’s human experience.
May we support our clients to live their life, their way.
For when we do this, embrace this and become this,
We will understand the perspective,
“I don’t want it better, I want it my way”.
My 19 year old autistic client sent me this powerful clip from his favourite TV show, The Big Bang Theory after exploring advocacy together. He knows what’s ‘better’ doesn’t necessarily mean better for him. x