Many of our occupational therapy clients experience anxiety in relation to their current life challenges. Potentially, anxiety could be the primary reason they are seeking our professional help in the first place. Whether anxiety is the main barrier to occupational performance or it is a fluctuating hinderance stopping a person from living their best life, this is a space we need to be exploring more with our clients.
Today we talk with Dr. Sarah Anderson who explains the neuroscience behind anxiety to help us understand what is going on at the level of the brain. We dive into the different kinds of anxiety disorders, why as a society we are more anxious than ever before, the physical symptoms of anxiety, how to hold space for our clients and practical strategies we can explore to support our clients to reach their occupational potential.
If you’d prefer to watch the interview you can check it out on YouTube.
Connect with Sarah on-
Instagram: @sarah.ann.anderson
Website: S.Anderson Consulting