
My Letter to 2020


Thank you for being my teacher. You’ve taught me so much. You taught me…. 

To love my neighbour And have a genuine curiosity about another’s life and actually give a shit. 

That life is fragile. Family is more precious than anything and can be taken away in a second. We never know when that second will be. So live in the now, be present and circulate beautiful energy that radiates from the heart. 

To stop worrying about what I “should” be doing. And just do what feels right, right now. 

To stress less. Fear less. And judge less. 

That we must develop the humility to look at another’s life, through their lens. 

To breathe. 

To soak up the vibrant energy of the morning sun. And quietly meditate at sunset. 

That while Mother Earth needs us now more than ever before, we don’t need to set out to save the planet. We just need to start with us, and so create a ripple effect.  

To speak up, even when it’s awkwardly and scarily uncomfortable to do so.   

That while the world may seem more fractured and divided than ever before, there’s always hope. Always. 

That trauma exists in all of us. No one escapes life without scars and soul wounds. And while I’m still dealing and healing some things that are taking longer to dissolve than anticipated, I’m exactly where I’m meant to be. 

That acts of kindness should be given more freely. With no expectation. Pay it forward, not for likes and a good insta story, but just because. 

Because we’re all human and navigating this thing called life together. We’re not just interconnected. We’re interdependent. 

You’ve cracked me open. Yet I’m surrendering. I’ve embraced a willingness to listen, and learn. To do better and be better. To leave behind what is no longer serving me and ambitiously seek out the things that my wild heart is yearning for. 

To serve, back myself and do bold things. Like cast a vision for OTs and birth The OT Lifestyle Movement to the world. It’s not just my vision. It’s a collective vision. Our vision. To live our best life and do work that truely matters – to us. 

2020, you’ve been a great reveal. 

Grateful for the lessons and memories. 

We will never forget, the year that was. x 

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I'm Rhiannon Crispe

Occupational therapist, personal trainer and mindset coach here to help you live out your OT dream. Let’s do it!